This presentation on "On-device AI with Google AI Edge" explores local AI processing, highlighting Google's platform and tools. It covers Gemini Nano for on-device GenAI, ML Kit for pre-trained models, and MediaPipe Solutions for custom AI pipelines including Tasks, Studio, Model Maker, and Framework components. On-device AI benefits from low latency and privacy but faces resource constraints.
Version Control usage in developers' life. Git fundamentals and basic commands.
Detailed walk through on the Android Architecture Components like ViewModel, LiveData, LifeCycle, Room, Navigation and WorkManager.
Detailed walk through on the Android Architecture Components like ViewModel, LiveData, LifeCycle, Room, Navigation and WorkManager.
An overview on available Google Developer Certifications and brief about Associate Android Developer Certification, its advantages and usage.
Brief introduction about widely used software architectures, their advantages and drawbacks.
Delivered a talk on "My Android Story" on Google DevFest Baroda '15 - Nov'15
A session on how one can start developing applications, presented at GDG Baroda DevFest '15.
Presented a seminar on Android OS fundamentals - Nov'13
Presented a seminar on Android OS fundamentals at Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET).
Active member of technology community Google Developers Group (GDG).
Former member of non-profit, non-government organization AIESEC.
Won the Certificate of Appreciation at PIET for presenting an innovative idea of “Holographic 3D Interface” during Ideation Session.
Won the Certificate of Excellence at PIET for “Third Prize” in group dance event at cultural festival Dhoom.
Won the Certificate of Participation for making a “TicTacToe” windows app at Microsoft AppFest’13.